Showing 1–9 of 13 results

Adjuvant Fertilizer



Helps to spread evenly and complete coverage of the foliar application of fertilizers and pesticides on the leaves surface and plants aerial parts, helping to absorb…

Agriculture Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer


Ammonium nitrate is a popular fertilizer since it provides half of the N in the nitrate form and half in the ammonium form. The nitrate form moves readily with soil water to the roots, where it’s immediately available for plant uptake.

Anti Salinity Fertilizer


Anti Salinity

Water pH and EC modification, salinity and water hardness removal, compatible with various fertilizers and pesticides and increase their efficiency and performance, usable…

Anti Stress Fertilizer


Anti Stress

Increasing plant resistance and tolerance to various environmental tensions and stresses caused by the invasion of plant pests, fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases.

Calcium Fertilizer


Kelaterin Anti Stress

  • Increasing plant resistance and tolerance to various environmental tensions and stresses caused by the invasion of plant pests, fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases.
  • Increase the plant greenness and freshness
  • Increase plant efficiency and more crop production
  • Help to increase fruit weight, filling kernels and seeds, increasing the quality and marketability of agricultural and horticultural products.
  • Can be used as a foliar spray and irrigation.

Fertilizer products

Model : Organic Micro Sulfur
Description :

Indications: Organic material enhancing, Soil PH modifier. If used correctly and soil moisture is in optimum, crop yield performance increases to 60 percent.

Company name : Gyah Corporation
Packaging :

Minimum order :

Standard :

Production power :

Kelaterin Anti Fertilizer


Kelaterin Anti

  • Water pH and EC modification
  • Water salinity and hardness removal
  • Compatible with various fertilizers and pesticides and increase their efficiency and performance, and etc.

Nitrogen Fertilizer



Eliminate Nitrogen deficiency symptoms of the plant, help the plant to grow and increase the number, size, and leaves a surface, increase the quantity and quality of crops and gardens.

Phosphorus Fertilizer



Eliminate the symptoms of phosphorus deficiency in the plant, increase the rooting power and cell proliferation and produce more energy in the plant, increase the yield and efficiency of the plant, and more production…